Teachers have a massive workload. Then to top it off they have huge additional administration requirements, such as continuous report writing and development of Individual Education Plans. Teachers spend upwards of 30 hours each semester writing detailed and individualised school reports.
That’s why we developed an online reporting system that dramatically reduces the amount of time teachers’ need to spend filling out school reports and writing general report card comments. You can spend more time in the classroom and with your families, where your time should be.
Complete School Reports is a software program that helps you create detailed, individual and professional school reports in a fraction of the time. Our online reporting system has been developed by a team of teachers across Australia and is linked to the National Australian Curriculum. Sign up for a free trial today to see how much time you can save writing your academic and report card comments!
As primary school teachers, we understand the frustration that comes with writing your school reports. We have spent countless hours outside of the classroom writing report card comments. We have gone through the rigorous report writing and editing process and dealt with our frustrated families. Don't get overwhelmed during report card time. Get back to teaching and spend your time where it should be, in the classroom.
25 hours on average to complete
your school reports each semester
Less time on each report card means
more time for you and your family
The online reports are accessible
anywhere and are mobile-friendly
Click the button below to
start your free trial today
Don't worry about your next
reporting time frame
Optimise your work habits and spend
more time in the classroom