
Reporting to parents

Reporting to parents is a time consuming and sometimes daunting process. It is the responsibility of the classroom teacher to make sure that parents are informed about their child throughout the year, both informally and through formal semester reports. You want to make sure that you are accurately reporting the abilities of your students at school to parents through formal reports. When you are reporting to parents, you have to make sure that you have enough data to justify a grade and comment given. Combine this with the extensive comments that need to be written, a vigorous editing process that goes back and forth with your admin team, the classroom you still have to teach and attend to, a normal life outside of school that you have to somehow fit in… It’s a stressful time!

Report Writing Software

The use of report writing software can dramatically reduce the stress on teachers during reporting time. With our software you can create personalised comments that are professionally written and directly relate to the Australian, Western Australian and Victorian curriculum. Here at Complete School Reports, we have a report writing membership that will help you to simplify the process of reporting to parents.

Features of our Report Writing Software

No software knows your students as well as you do. The program doesn’t understand the complex academic abilities of the 20-35 students in your care, the effort they display in certain subjects or their behaviour in the playground. That’s where you come in. After you drag and drop your class list in, you can update individual grades, effort and behaviour based on the abilities of each student in your class. Our software will then generate professionally written report comments based on the information you have provided to best describe the students in your class. You will save countless hours writing and proof-reading your report comments. Have you ever been stuck trying to describe some of the challenging behaviours in your classroom? We can help you!

So how does our membership work? You simply:

Sign up for a free trial

Select your curriculum (Australian, Western Australian or Victorian)

Drag and drop your class list in

Select a student to write your report comments on based on their academic ability, effort and behaviour

Export your report comments

Get back to teaching!

Our report writing software has been designed by teachers around Australia, so you can rest assured that each comment is written in a parent-friendly, professional format. We have tens of thousands of comments available in our membership that suit a wide range of academic abilities, personality traits and effort displayed.

Report writing software can help to simplify the process of reporting to parents and get you some of your precious time with your family back. You shouldn’t have to spend countless hours writing and editing your report comments that take your time away from your classroom and loved ones. There’s an easier way, sign up for a free trial today to see for yourself.

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Free Virtual Excursions

Report Card Comments for Weak Students

Naplan 2020